刘亦菲的文凭是假 - 真凭实据
这遍文章是来证明刘亦菲从来就未从美国取得 GED ( General Education Diploma )她所称她在美国取得一种高中毕业证书)。这么一来,她北京电影的学士学位也应该因她根本没有高中毕业而取消。更不用让她谈去 Stanford University (斯坦福). 她的英文水平根本不配去美国的任何公立大学去读研究生。许多人在过去都猜想到刘亦菲的文凭不是真的,不过那些也只不过是猜想,这一回,我有真凭实据。
之前所说的GED exam 在美国有个年龄限制 –16 岁以上,从不给特殊情况。刘亦菲怎么可能在15岁以前通过这个考试的呢? 如果刘亦菲并没有高中毕业证书,她的学士学位根本也应该因她在无高中毕业证书和根本没上几天课的情况下而取消。北京电影学院,你不会不做正确的事(取消刘亦菲的学士学位) 而让世人取笑你吧?刘亦菲一家,我不管你家里人关系怎样(有人说刘亦菲的继父有钱得包养了这刘小莉与刘亦菲并而给刘亦菲带来许多演艺机会),但是在文凭上做假也太贪心,太无耻了!这是对教育界的不敬,对一个真正的学士靠真材实料,苦心砖研的鄙视!真正的有学者都看得出你是否是个学识天才并苦研过。你没有,你做假了! 你又是怎么从北京电影学院拿到了学士学位的?相信我不用多说,大家有目共睹她在北京电影学院只上了几天的课!
做为一个真正的美国大学生,并在电视上听过刘亦菲的英文。一听就知,她的英文以及学识并不怎样。可以说,与这里的初中ESL 学生不相上下吧。如果Sanford University 收她,那就是他们瞎了眼! 作者 - LSC
This is to prove that Liu Yi Fei has never passed the GED exam and obtained the appropriate high school equivalency degree. Therefore, her Bachelor’s degree from Beijing Film Academy (however she obtained it, she did not obtain it the truthful and legal way) should therefore be revoked. Much less for her to talk about obtaining a degree from Stanford University! I mean, come on, does she look like someone who can be accepted to a community college for a Doctor’s Degree!? Many people have discussed over this issue and made guesses over her education level. However, those were only guesses, this time, it is true—there is evidence that she faked EVERYTHING!
The GED exam has an age limit, and there is no exception to it. The age limit is 16! No exam in AMERICA is ever to be administered to someone below that age (some test agencies even require the age limit to be 17). How in the world could Liu Yi Fei possibly obtained it before the age of 15?! If her high school diploma is not valid. Her Bachelor’s Degree should not either! I am pretty sure that Beijing Film Academy admits students STRICTLY based on certain academic foundation, correct? Beijing Film Academy, please do the right thing and don’t let people laugh at your fame built up over the years.
And please, faking diplomas is really something extremely UNETHICAL! It offends the authentic, educated intellectuals who truly spend years and work extra hard to obtain a high school degree, and then a Bachelor’s Degree. And please, don’t even think about Stanford University, You have faked ENOUGH! Now, did she really do enough academic work to obtain the Bachelor’s Degree rightfully? I think everyone knows she did not even go to school for a few days.
As a true American college student, I have heard her speaking English on TV on several occasions. The way she speaks…her spoken English….It is NOTHING near the level of a student ever admitted to Stanford!! Author -LSC